6Th street, Taimani Project- Kabul Afghanistan


Afghan Women Empowerment Charity Foundation

Afghan Women Empowerment Charity Foundation non-for-profit, non-governmental and non-political organization created in 2021. Social Affairs.  it is involved in building opportunities for crises and disaster affected peoples' engagement and involvement in the process of social, economic, cultural and political developments through enhanced knowledge and their role in civil and community participations and decision making for managing and developing local perceptions and mandates  for durable solutions to economic and stability in the country.  Based on needs assessments and problem identification straight to Afghan women's situation, AWECF undertakes to encourage women's engagement in all processes of democratization through seeking, providing and applying services in pursuit of addressing their needs and gaps for meaningful and result-effective development.  

AWECF mandate is to work in close coordination and collaboration of Afghan Women Networks as well as close participation of community-based governing bodies/structures (CDCs and community members). local authorities and civil society foundation/actors and the director participation of vulnerable women and family members for well-define and impact-achievable implementation.  AWECF is a well-qualified Training provider focusing on and covering issues relevant to women prospects and women's capacity for direct and strengthened participation in the family, community and public level meetings, debates and assemblies for improved designs and formulation of local mechanisms in search of enhanced living opportunities.



accountable solution is achieved by mainstreaming/developing the social, economic, political, cultural and environmental structures and processes and, capacity building of undermined as well as most productive groups of people Civil Society Organizations Members and local bodies/entities and establishment of pure coalition and  strong networking between them for sharing expertise and collective action. we aim to hold ourselves accountable our actions we are held accountable by others and God consequently at Afghan women Empowerment Charity Foundation we aim carry out our tasks with honesty care and love for humanity.



ensured in a manner to observe that a will defined, practicable and publicly acceptable and adoptable rule of law and democracy is pursued in Afghanistan and durable solution is achieved in all spheres of life. world with equality and basic necessities of life for all no one should go without food water shelter and good health our vision is very clear to against poverty beacon light for all.